uLaw EDU Guest Lecture Series

Featured as Made In Canada

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uLaw EDU Program Schedule

In collaboration with Canadian post-secondary institutions, uLaw EDU is dedicated to supporting the next generation of legal practitioners.

Course Listing:

  1. Disbursements Demystified (1-Hour)

  2. Everything Practice Management (1.5-Hour)

  3. Trust & General Reconciliation Demystified (1-Hour)

  4. Law Office Expense Management (1 Hour)

  5. Compliance Docs: 10 Minutes or 3 Hours?

  6. Get Ready for Law Society Audits (1-Hour)

  7. Law Office Expense Management (1 Hour)

To get started...Please select one of the above courses and include 2-3 dates/times that work for you and reach us

Email us:


Visit us:


100 Metcalfe Street Suite 200, Unit 355

Ottawa, ON K1P 5M1

Call us:

1-844-333-uLaw (8529)

Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm (EST)

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